Iron Maiden Iron Maiden - Roll Over Vic Vella

Vic: ...well.

Steve: Oh yeah?

Vic: Went down ten feet, got a JCB from the road 'cause my other one wouldn't reach. Dug it out... after ten or fifteen minutes he went back to the hole to check the height... full of water! Must have come from the river, eh?

Steve: Dunno...someone must have pissed in it.

Vic: Say well, fucking big piss... somebody did.
Someone: Something you were doing down the bog?

Vic: Trying to feed it through the ground, it's like a well.

Steve: Oh yeah? How deep?

Vic: About three feet deep.

Someone: He's a god!

Vic: So I....that's right, fucking John shit himself. There was soil, it's like quicksand.... He went down there to spread the fucking soil, and he's sinking in, isn't he? He suddenly reached for the fucking fork lift and I lifted up he couldn't reach it... He was shitting himself. He was just going by the <unintelligible> at the end of the boots. He said "I'm fucking going, I'm going! Just lower the fucking forklift quick!" And he grabbed hold of it, so I had to lift it up with him hanging on the end of it. Good job he didn't let go otherwise <splat-sound> right in the fucking mud!
Gonna write a little letter, gonna mail it to my local MP

Vic: <unintelligible>

He's a Maltese man and he's mowing the lawn my way
Roll over Vic Vella, give me more bales of hay
Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, don't you mow that lawn my way

Vic: So I lifted him up...

Early in the morning I'm giving you a warning
Don't you step on my tractor blades
Hey diddle diddle he's on the fiddle
And he ain't got nothing to lose
Roll over Vic Vella, tell the tax man the bad news
Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, don't you tell the tax man the news
You want to buy a truck and need a new VCR
Vic he gonna say he knows where they are
Roll over Vic Vella, I see that panda-car

Vic: ...the fucking lights, right? I say "What the fuck is going on here?" He says "It's alright, it's me." "What do you mean, it's you?" He said "You've got the wrong guy" <unintelligible>...

Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, don't you play those games with me
Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, don't you play those games with me
Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, Roll over Vic Vella
Roll over Vic Vella, don't you play that game with me

Bruce imitating Vic: He's a cunt, isn't he? He's a fucking cunt, I tell you... He's a fucking weird fellow and I think he's a <unintelligible>... They fall off a fucking well, he's a cunt, isn't he? I tell you, man Maybe you want to fucking scream... Who's that cunt <unintelligible>... That's the fucking cunt, yeah. That's fucking him... <unintelligible>... He's a fucking cunt !

Vic: <unintelligible> ...He's another one <unintelligible>... fucking five minutes and you don't see him for about a year.

Someone: <unintelligible>

Vic: Yeah, <unintelligible>... Paul, the generator geezer.
Someone: Oh really?

Vic: He's supposed to come... <unintelligible>... He ain't put that fucking thing there to switch hold of everything.

Someone: Oh really?

Vic: The house... Yeah...
Someone: That geezer?

Vic: I thought he was in charge of it...

Someone: What's happening?

Vic: I left a message on that thing.

Someone: I thought it would be done!

Vic: <unintelligible>... Oh yeah, Paul was in the house.

Someone: Another cunt!

Vic: <unintelligible>... won't get any light... Another big cunt!

Someone: Now he's...